Terms & Conditions #KejarMimpi Application

Thank you for downloading this application. 

Kejar Mimpi App is developed and administrated by Kejar Mimpi and CIMB Niaga. Kejar Mimpi and CIMB Niaga respect your right to privacy in the on-line world when you use our websites and mobile app and communicate electronically with us. We put in place all necessary measures to keep secure any personal information you give us. 

1. What personal information do Kejar Mimpi and CIMB Niaga collect through this application and how do we collect it? 

Kejar Mimpi and CIMB Niaga only collect personal information that YOU want to provide to us or that is needed to provide (and improve) our service to you. We collect direct personal information such as name, address and e-mail address, and phone number. 

You may want to give us your e-mail address, name, telephone number etc. so that we can provide you with information on our products; enter you into our competitions or surveys; or just keep you updated about exciting contents that you are interested in. 

2. How do Kejar Mimpi and CIMB Niaga keep your personal information secure? 

Kejar Mimpi and CIMB Niaga take all necessary measures to keep your personal information private and secure. Only authorized Group staff, Third Party companies (i.e. developer and admin) have access to your personal information. To ensure your personal information is protected, Kejar Mimpi and CIMB Niaga maintains a secure IT environment with developer company and has the appropriate measures in place to prevent unauthorised access (i.e. hacking). 

3. What purposes do Kejar Mimpi App use your personal information for? 

Your personal information will be used for the purposes for which you provided it to Kejar Mimpi and CIMB Niaga. It will also be used to administer, support and obtain feedback on the level of our services and to prevent breaches of security, the law or our contract terms. Moreover, your data will be used as our leads and you may be contacted by our telemarketer. 

4. What is One-Time Registration? 

In order to make the registration process easier, we use a one-time registration tool between Kejar Mimpi app and Kejarmimpi.id. With this tool, when you register with our application, this information can be automatically made available to you for registration at the website.  

5. Where can I find more information on the legal issues concerning Kejar Mimpi applications and my legal rights and responsibilities? 

As Kejar Mimpi app is an Indonesian-based company the laws that govern and apply to this application are those of Indonesia. 

6. Which address is available for me to contact CIMB Niaga and Kejar Mimpi if I have other questions regarding my personal information? 

The address is: kejarmimpiappscimbniaga@gmail.com 

7. IMPORTANT - Why do I have to accept the terms of this Privacy Notice? 

Because by accepting the terms of Privacy Notice, you agree that your data will be used as leads and be contacted by Kejar Mimpi and CIMB Niaga.

If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Notice please contact Kejar Mimpi at the address given under Question 6 and we will be pleased to assist you with any additional questions you may have.